
[5] Total Immigration to Israel from the Former Soviet Union (1948 - present) // Jewish Virtual Library. A Project of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. URL:https...

Batik, one of China’s ancient traditional dyeing techniques, is a renowned traditional folk craft in Guizhou, often referred to the "ancient flower of Eastern art." Among ...

2. 博物馆里的小老鼠(Mice in the Museum) 链接:https://artsandculture.google.com/experiment/cgFauCYvmS5XGQ 两只虚拟的小老鼠 August 和 Pearl,会带我们逛遍全球 100 多家博物馆,聊它们看到的艺术品,比如伦勃朗的《窗边的女孩》或维米尔的《倒牛奶的女仆》,而这些...

the 2050 Strategy for the Blue PacificContinent, and the Small Island Developing States AcceleratedModalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, we realizethat actively responding to climate change, adhering to the principles of common butdifferentiated re...

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